1 - Hasan Adali High School, Adana

Hasan Adali High School, setting an example for the other schools, stands out with its educational infrastructure including all kinds of facilities as well as the elegance and magnitude of the building. It embraces 24 classrooms besides a library, convention hall, laboratories, sickroom and several units. Built considering all the needs of a school, Hasan Adali High School reveals itself as one of the best educational institutions in Adana thanks to the foregoing.











2 - Ozen Adali High School

Adali, which has always been aware of its social responsibilities, decided to construct a 24 classroom high school in order to support Van community, right after the big earthquake occurred in Van in 2011. The construction of the high school, whose protocol had been signed in last December, started at the beginning of this year and the high school has become operational for 2012-2013 academic year.